Owen Wilson
I am just sick to hear that Owen Wilson slit his wrists in a severe attempt to kill himself. As the parent of a young man who was "successful" in committing suicide, I am compelled to write. I wish I could meet with Owen and tell him what it feels like to have the light ripped from your soul when a child commits suicide. I want so much to speak with Owen Wilson and tell him that the pain can pass, depression is treatable, but suicide is permanent. I know that Owen Wilson is not stupid, and that he realizes that death is a permanent result of suicide. I also believe that Owen Wilson has family members that love him. They would never be the same if Owen does in fact choose to kill himself. Suicide is the "before and after" of my life. It is the theme that my life revolves around in spite of time and distance and "working through" the pain. The truth is, a mother does not "get over" losing a child, no matter how old the child is, or how much time elapses after a suicide. I don't think Owen Wilson is purposely hurting his mother, siblings or any others that love him. I do not think Owen Wilson stopped to think what his actions would do to anyone. I think he is in pain. And I think the only way he could imagine escaping that pain is to die. I have a sneaky suspicion that the pain goes with the spirit into death. I felt an excruciating pain transference when my son died. His dark, bleak energies came into me, stunned me to the ground, and pinned me for a long, long time. These are some of the things I would like to say to Owen Wilson. Then I would like to slap him silly, and hug him until he cried and released some of the demon pain. And I would rock him like a mother rocks a child, and I would tell him it will all be better, with time. But if Owen Wilson had been "successful" in his very real attempt to kill himself, I would be very sad and depressed. And we need less sadness and less depression, less self-medicating, and more natural highs and successes. AND WE REALLY NEED TO TAKE A LOOK, HEAD-ON AT THE ISSUE OF SUICIDE BECAUSE IT IS THE NUMBER 3 CAUSE OF DEATH IN ADOLESCENTS IN THIS COUNTRY. Males aged 15-25 die as a result of suicide when there are options. When a male attempts suicide, it generally takes. We are fortunate to still have Owen Wilson with us. Now if he can just begin to heal and to feel inside the self-love that we wish for him. Let's all send him a lot of healing love and light energies. I truly hope he is around for a dozen decades.
With a heavy heart,
Author, Blessings in the Mire
Labels: Owen Wilson Suicide