
Blessings In The Mire was chosen for this blog because it is the name of my recently completed NON-fiction book, that book that did NOT win in Writer's Digest's 74th annual competition. I'm shocked.... lol. I will be releasing chapters of this book, morsel by morsel and you can look into the deep shit, err, uh, excuse me, I meant 'mire' of my life, if you like. First, I must figure out HOW to do this. Wish me luck and remember that I am open to your expertise.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Owen Wilson

I am just sick to hear that Owen Wilson slit his wrists in a severe attempt to kill himself. As the parent of a young man who was "successful" in committing suicide, I am compelled to write. I wish I could meet with Owen and tell him what it feels like to have the light ripped from your soul when a child commits suicide. I want so much to speak with Owen Wilson and tell him that the pain can pass, depression is treatable, but suicide is permanent. I know that Owen Wilson is not stupid, and that he realizes that death is a permanent result of suicide. I also believe that Owen Wilson has family members that love him. They would never be the same if Owen does in fact choose to kill himself. Suicide is the "before and after" of my life. It is the theme that my life revolves around in spite of time and distance and "working through" the pain. The truth is, a mother does not "get over" losing a child, no matter how old the child is, or how much time elapses after a suicide. I don't think Owen Wilson is purposely hurting his mother, siblings or any others that love him. I do not think Owen Wilson stopped to think what his actions would do to anyone. I think he is in pain. And I think the only way he could imagine escaping that pain is to die. I have a sneaky suspicion that the pain goes with the spirit into death. I felt an excruciating pain transference when my son died. His dark, bleak energies came into me, stunned me to the ground, and pinned me for a long, long time. These are some of the things I would like to say to Owen Wilson. Then I would like to slap him silly, and hug him until he cried and released some of the demon pain. And I would rock him like a mother rocks a child, and I would tell him it will all be better, with time. But if Owen Wilson had been "successful" in his very real attempt to kill himself, I would be very sad and depressed. And we need less sadness and less depression, less self-medicating, and more natural highs and successes. AND WE REALLY NEED TO TAKE A LOOK, HEAD-ON AT THE ISSUE OF SUICIDE BECAUSE IT IS THE NUMBER 3 CAUSE OF DEATH IN ADOLESCENTS IN THIS COUNTRY. Males aged 15-25 die as a result of suicide when there are options. When a male attempts suicide, it generally takes. We are fortunate to still have Owen Wilson with us. Now if he can just begin to heal and to feel inside the self-love that we wish for him. Let's all send him a lot of healing love and light energies. I truly hope he is around for a dozen decades.
With a heavy heart,
Author, Blessings in the Mire


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Suicide, New Orleans, Oprah

Wednesday, August 29, 2007, Oprah will cover the issue of suicide, specifically, increased rates of suicide following the horrific Katrina event that still plagues all of us. It makes me happy that Oprah is filling this void, going where others would likely shudder and turn away from. It has long been my focus, this dark and taboo subject of "suicide". It has been the "theme" around which my live revolves ever since July 1995 when my own son took his life. "Took his life" sounds homogenized, not nearly as brutal as the truth. Even "suicide" is not harsh enough for the reality. The word suicide implies a brutal act, but leaves out the cause, the emotion of sadness, the space for grief. People generally do not choose death because they expect death to be a charming alternative to life. People choose death as an escape 'from' not as an entry 'into'. Suicide is the last resort, the final act. It is the back against the wall. It is the absence of support. It grows, a weed of interpreted inescape from the grips of pain. I know this. This is my truth. And I only hope that Oprah's spotlighting of the increase in suicides in New Orleans will also turn to highlight the absolutely inexcusable way this government has responded to the needs of her constituents. I'll be watching Oprah; do us proud.
On another note, the Blessings in the Mire website has now connected with and a portion of the proceeds from all sales that come through will go to help PREVENT SUICIDES. That means that anytime you want to make a purchase on Amazon, if you will go to and click on the "PRODUCTS" tab on the navigation bar, then click onto any one of the many products listed you will be taken to No matter what you purchase from Amazon, we will receive a percentage which means that every single time you shop on Amazon, when you go through you will be helping prevent suicides. We think it is a noble cause. And Amazon has an incredible selection of almost anything one could ever want! Did you know that Amazon is now even selling food?? Check out our 'celestial selections' of gourmet foods through And please send all of your friends there too! You could be helping to save a life. Not bad for a day's work...or shopping!
At any rate, please set your DVR to record Oprah on Wednesday. Maybe we can all learn to see the problem of suicide before it happens to affect us on a very personal level.
Much love and light.
Jan Deelstra, author Blessings in the Mire

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Military Suicides

There was recently an article published in the Taiwan Times, and in USAToday, which referenced the increased numbers of suicides in the military. Interestingly enough, several months back I was investigating suicides (on-line) and came across an article that actually listed troop suicides. As part of that same research, I learned that many suicides are NOT reported as such by the military. Now that this recent article came out written about increasing suicides in the military, I am wondering how high the numbers REALLY are. I'm not a big 'conspiracy theory' sort of writer, so I believe anything as having a single grain of truth until I learn otherwise. My curious mind has me once again wondering where the truth lies in the numbers of our military youth committing suicide. If the military acknowledges the numbers are up, I am left to reason that the numbers must be up even further than they admit to.
I read the articles, and write about it here on my Blessings in the Mire blog, not to bring in the spotlight to determine whether or not the government is honest. Rather, I write about it because as the mother of an adolescent who chose suicide, I am particularly driven to shine that spotlight onto the usually dark subject of suicide. The numbers have long been that suicide is the number THREE cause of death in adolescents ages 15-25 (Higher in Utah where suicide actually is the number 2 cause of death for adolescents). Add to these horrific numbers the folks who are "unsuccessful" in their attempts at premature death, and add again, the numbers of those who died while in the military, but of "non-related" to war deaths and the numbers are even more staggering.
As the mother of a son who chose suicide I am compelled to ask, and to eventually answer the questions that suicides leave behind. I do this not as the catalyst to healing my own severed heart, but to find a solution that may one day show results of youth choosing to live, to choose life and light and self-actualization as opposed to finite death. Because I know that suicide leaves a chasm of "before and after" that can rarely be bridged, I want to tell adolescents that suicide will kill more than themselves. Suicide leaves victims in its wake, family members and loved-ones who will never be the same. The pain of losing one to suicide is the deepest of all wounds to a mother's heart. It is the nasty taste left on friends' tongues after the initial "enshrinement" of the deceased. It is the thick energy that comes between survivors and their friends, friends who do not know how to react, what to say to those left behind.
This is not a military issue. The issue of suicide belongs to all of us. And it is time we began to look at it, and to offer solutions to a huge problem.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Manifesting Secrets

WOW! I am so excited about Opulence By Design! It's our new website built to offer services comparable to our in-workshop information! Although the site is barely up, and is still under construction, you can peek in and see some of the offerings. Very soon we will be offering articles and books (both ebook and traditional) to help folks begin to design the life of their dreams! Opulence By Design implies that YOU design your life! Rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen, you will begin to let go of old habits and dysfunctional beliefs. Since nature "abhores a vacuum" we sill fill in that vacant space, immediately, with new ideas, behaviors, and we will watch you build a life designed towards opulence, prosperity, and abundance. You will learn to manifest your most fullfilling desires! You will be given tools to create the most dynamic life you can dream of! You will learn that you not only CAN have it all, but that you MUST have it all! You deserve to live the most richly rewarding life possible. It is up to you to decide to make the changes, to move forward into your future of all things grand and glorious. You will learn about the magic of seeding, of tithing, of charitable contributions in building your wealth, and in designing your life of opulence! Opulence By Design is created on the belief that YOUR PROSPERITY BEGINS INSIDE! THIS is REAL "Interior Design"! Let your interior desires be manifest as a life by design! We can assist! We offer both personal and group trainings. We are insistent upon only one thing, and that is that you eventually be living a life filled with Opulence by Design.
Check us out if you are seeking more out of life! Are you interested in wealth building? Do you have a desire to be healthy and get rid of non-supportive actions? We can help with all this and more! Find your inspiration for manifesting all you dream of. Learn the best ways to use affirmations, and why most folks fail when using these powerful tools for self-esteem and enhanced bank balances. We will show you HOW to utilize the tools to your best benefit! Manifest that racy car, that dream home, say so-long to that boss that rides you! Figure out how to never-again settle for less than you deserve! YOU deserve Opulence by Design! We offer the keys to awareness! We will help you to turn your passions into money. We will disclose the secrets of the rich. You will never again need to fall back into your self-imposed gutter. We will give you a hand up, and you will change your life for the better! As a role model for those around you, you will make a huge difference. By your role modeling, others will begin to awaken to the possibilities of Opulence by Design.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Have You READ it?

PLEASE post a review on the website!
We are busy creating our new website as above. The proceeds go towards prevention on suicide, awareness of social issues such as "bullyside" and virtual stalking. If you have lost a loved one be sure to post a "tribute" on the Blessings In The Mire website! If you are looking for the book, has it on sale this week!!
Make it a GREAT day!