Birthday Blog
It is my birthday today so I am compelled to blog. Today is the last day of the Scorpio sun and the cusp of the archer. It is a gloriously warm and clear day in San Diego. I have been outdoors this morning, clearing and fussing over things that won't matter in a week, or a day, or even in a few seconds. It gets me to thinking about time; how time can stand still, can speed up, can flux to accommodate. The time bent once, clearly, as I watched with horro, knowing there was no way I could stop in time.... But I did. My car stopped and did not run into the ass-end of the car in front of me as I watched time bend to accommodate....
It gets me to thinking that little of what seems so important will be of any interest in 100 years, and much less....
Time goes much more quickly now, these days are less-long. No longer do I await the next birthday, or other milestone, those seemingly endless waits of a child. Now I know that I am twittering each second and all the added milliseconds of the ocean of my sand, and I know it is more, much more than half gone, sands spent perhaps even as I may be at the final few grains. I don't know. I only know that it is my birthday. It is one of those rare occasions that force me to acknowledge the fleet of me.